5.3 Streamr
Our final use case also involves supporting a community – but this time, online. Streamr is an open-source platform providing a peer-to-peer network for live data delivery. In the Streamr network, machines or users can publish data to streams and subscribe to other streams they are interested in. Streamr network then takes care of the data routing and delivery. As an open-source project, Streamr relies on the surrounding community to keep it running and growing
The community can contribute to Streamr in many ways: through programming, joining in community discussions, creating tutorials for other users. Like in the other cases, Streamr uses tokens to highlight and encourage actions that help build up the community.

How is this anti-rival?
The Streamr case demonstrates anti-rivalry in a number of ways. First, as discussed before open-source projects and data networks are classic examples of anti-rivalry. Because it is open-source, the project improves through increased participation, for example through direct contributions like coding or the reporting or bugs. Data networks are anti-rival as they collect and distribute data, providing new value as it is used and applied in new ways by new users.
When we consider the tokens in this case, they are somewhat similar to the acknowledgement tokens used in the Green Shops. Community members can be awarded a token for positive contributions, minted either by another community member or by someone from the Streamr team. Additionally, if you receive a token, you can “share” it with someone else who you think added to your contribution.
These tokens promote positive and active participation, and the sharing function encourages collaboration, potentially leading to even greater outcomes for the Streamr community.
Watch the video below for an overview of the Streamr case and how the tokens are used!